Monday, August 16, 2004

Good ol' days

Just yesterday when i was sitting on the same old couch of mine,
not barely but clearly i remembered the gone by time...

although the daily hassles never let us remember our past,
but the silent surroundings do spell the nostalgic cast...

those were the sunny days untouched by the ponderance over sanctity of life,
we were so bounded by love which made us ignore that natural strife..

no matter what, i remember my foolish feats,
i still feel the pounding of age old beats...

thinking about those days bring tears to my eye,
i want them back what if the rivers run dry....

just then a sound from outside makes me come back to reality,
i don't care if people do call it superficiality...

there is no sense in things i speculated,
the good old days are out and amputated...

i know time won't roll back nor it would stop,
past is untouchable now and i just can't hop...

with these immaculate thoughts in my mind i still am baffled,
desire of mine is like a distant star which just cannot be grappled.........................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice poem indeed

i wrote it almost 4 years could you copy paste someone else's work so mercilessly....what the heck!